As they say, the skin is the mirror of our body and often our body tells us through the skin that it needs this or that. The skin is the largest human organ and, therefore, skin diseases and problems are logically the largest. This is where the role of the dermatologist and cosmetologist in choosing the right diagnosis and treatment or care strategy is important. Taking this into account, we emphasize the accurate diagnosis of skin problems, after which, if serious skin or systemic problems affecting the skin are detected, we refer the visitor to narrow specialized centers. In all other cases, our professional specialists carry out skin care in accordance with modern approaches.
In “Kostanyan Aesthetics” we perform the following cosmetological and dermatological interventions:
- Atraumatic cleansing and care
- Ultrasonic cleansing and care
- Peelings
- Mesotherapy
- Removal of skin neoplasms
- Anti-aging care
- Microneedling
- Treatment of rosacea and couperose
- Acne treatment